Mad Dog Math – For Classroom Use
Students’ math test scores rise along with their confidence
Wouldn’t you LOVE to see your students go from, “I hate math; math is hard” to “Math is easy; math is fun”? As an educator for 30 years, I have seen this transformation over and over by giving my students their “hammer and nails”! Once they learn their facts, they are now equipped to do with ease their daily math page. Their math test scores rise along with their confidence. A smile comes across their face and a love affair with math begins! I’ve had hundreds of students say that math is now their favorite subject.
How? Simply by implementing a system in my classroom where every child succeeds at learning his basic facts which are the building blocks to higher levels of math.
- Proven success at raising standardized math test scores
- Promotes math proficiency
- Ignites a love for math in students
- Gives students the ability to do their daily math worksheet faster
- Gives students the confidence in their ability to DO math
Mad Dog Math is a duplicable system
Because Mad Dog Math is a system, it can be duplicated successfully in any classroom. Mad Dog Math is fun, challenging, motivating, and exciting. The power of this program is in the process. It is easy to implement, systematic, and organized for teachers. It has been refined down to a science over the last 30 years and won’t fail.
Mad Dog Math is more than theory-based ideas
Mad Dog Math goes beyond theory-based ideas that may be popular and fun and instead focuses on what really works. Sometimes the best, most effective teaching methods are not in vogue, nor are they easy. As a 30-year educator, I know that teaching is just plain hard work. Mad Dog Math was developed to make my job in the classroom easier. It will make your life easier, as well, and make you more effective by giving you tools to give your students so they succeed. Isn’t that what it is all about? You will be thrilled to watch your students blossom into mathematicians as you equip them with the basic facts that make it all possible. Please let us know about your successes because you will have them!
Mad Dog Math allows different students to progress at their own pace
The best thing about Mad Dog Math is that kids, parents, and teachers love it! Children move through “families” of facts at their own pace. The faster learners can move on to master higher levels of families while the slower students proceed at their own pace without disrupting the daily routine. Everyone is engaged at the same time and no one is left behind.
Mad Dog Math includes everything you need for successful implementation
Mad Dog Math comes in binder-form or downloadable mastery PDFs for easy handling. It includes everything you need with extensive directions and suggestions for successful implementation. Included in the mastery program is:
- Dear Teacher Letter- thanking you for purchasing our product
- What You Need to Gather Before You Start- tells you exactly how to set up the program in your classroom and how to get started
- Overview of the Program- gives you specifics in a nutshell
- Directions for Students When Taking and Correcting Mad Dog Math- specific directions for students to help your 10 minute daily practice session run smoothly
- Directions to Teachers When Correcting Mad Dog Math- specific directions for teachers to run this 10 minute segment of class efficiently
- Preparing Mad Dog Math for the Next Day- specific directions on how to chart each student’s progress (it’s easy!) and how to pull each student’s drill for the next day
- Classroom Progress Chart- teacher’s handy chart showing students’ progress at a glance
- Dear Parent Letter- written for you to give to your parents explaining Mad Dog Math and how it works. When parents have an understanding of what you are doing in the classroom, they are more apt to help at home.
- Ideas for Parents at Home- if a student gets “stuck” on a family, there are several ideas that will help him and move him forward to the next family
- +/- OR x/÷ Math Families (depending on the mastery program) – all the families covered in your mastery program. Students will need these at home for practice.
- Mad Dog Math Order Chart- gives the order of the daily drills so the student knows exactly what comes next
- “A” Practice Drills
- “B” Practice Drills
- “A” Keys
- “B” Keys
Mad Dog Math offers aids to encourage your students
There is an array of Mad Dog Math aids to help encourage and motivate your students while making life easier for you. These include:
- Student Certificates- students cherish them; celebrates their successes
- Flash Cards- self-correcting; 2 processes come in each box
- Mad Dog Math Timer- counts backward (or forward) for precise timing
- Mad Dog Math-at Home: software download from our website for your classroom computers or for student’s computer at home
- Downloadable mastery PDFs – all mastery programs available in this format; PDFs are exactly the same as the binder hard copy
- Successfully helps ALL students master their math facts from Kindergarten through 6th grade; may be used remedially for middle or high schoolers
- Program comes with easy-to-use classroom progress chart that can be used for assessment at a glance
- Certificates available to celebrate student success
- Mad Dog Math flash cards are available for classroom and/or home practice
- Mad Dog Math-at Home software is available for individual classrooms or encouraged for a student’s computer for at-home use
- Individualized so students progress at their own rate; no one is held back and no one is left behind
- Standard daily routine takes 10 minutes a day
- Specific directions to chart, track, and stay organized
- Teachers, parents, and students LOVE it